How To Keep Coconut Oil As Liquid Without It Going Hard – 8 Handy Tips

Coconut oil has become a household staple thanks to its versatility and myriad health benefits. From cooking to skincare, this magical elixir has found its way into various aspects of our lives. However, one issue that plagues many is this oil’s tendency to solidify at lower temperatures. If you’ve ever reached for your jar of coconut oil only to find it hardened, you know the struggle.

Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to keep coconut oil liquid without it going hard, making it readily available for your culinary and beauty adventures. Let’s dive into the world of liquid gold and learn how to maintain its silky texture.

Basics You Need to Know

Keep Coconut Oil Liquid

Before delving into the methods of keeping coconut oil liquid, it’s important to understand its unique properties. It is extracted from the meat of mature coconuts and is composed predominantly of saturated fats. This high concentration of saturated fats gives the oil its unique consistency, as well as its tendency to solidify at cooler temperatures.

Coconut oil has a melting point of around 76°F (24°C). When the surrounding temperature drops below this point, the oil begins to solidify, turning from a clear liquid to a white, opaque solid. The good news is that this process is entirely reversible, so you can easily turn your oil back into a liquid by gently heating it. However, constantly changing the oil’s state can lead to spoilage and decreased quality.

Keeping Coconut Oil Liquid: The Expert Guide

1. Store in a Warm Location

Coconut Oil storage

The simplest way to keep your it liquid is to store it in a consistently warm location. Placing it in a cupboard or pantry above your stove or refrigerator is ideal, as these appliances generate a small amount of heat that can help maintain the oil’s temperature. Just make sure the area isn’t too hot, as excessive heat can also degrade the oil’s quality.

2. Use a Heating Pad or Seedling Mat

Another option to maintain coconut oil’s liquid state is to use a heating pad or seedling mat. These devices provide a gentle, consistent heat source that can keep the oil’s temperature above its melting point. Simply place your jar or bottle of coconut oil on top of the pad, and let the warmth work its magic. Be sure to monitor the temperature to avoid overheating.

3. DIY Double Boiler

Create your own double boiler to keep coconut oil liquid without directly exposing it to heat. Fill a large bowl with warm water, and place your container of oil inside. The warmth of the water will gently heat the oil, keeping it liquid. Replace the water periodically to maintain the desired temperature. This method is particularly useful when you need a small amount of liquid coconut oil for a recipe or skincare treatment.

4. Invest in an Oil Warmer

Oil warmer

If you’re a frequent user of this oil, consider investing in an oil warmer specifically designed to keep oils liquid. These devices maintain a consistent temperature and often have adjustable settings, allowing you to customize the heat level. Oil warmers are a convenient, hands-off solution that can save you time and effort.

5. Blend with Other Oils

Combining coconut oil with another liquid oil can help lower its melting point, making it less likely to solidify. Mixing it with oils like olive, avocado, or almond oil can result in a more liquid consistency. Experiment with different ratios to find the perfect blend for your needs.

6. Opt for Fractionated Coconut Oil

Fractionated coconut oil is a form that has had its long-chain fatty acids removed. This process leaves behind only the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which remain liquid at room temperature. Although fractionated coconut oil has a slightly different composition than the regular kind, it still offers many of the same benefits and can be a convenient alternative if you prefer a consistently liquid oil.

7. Use Small Containers

cocnut oil Small Containers

Dividing your coconut oil into smaller containers can make it easier to manage when it comes to liquefying. When you need liquid coconut oil, simply take one small container and use one of the previously mentioned methods to melt the required amount. This practice not only helps you avoid repeatedly melting and solidifying the entire jar but also reduces the risk of contamination and spoilage.

8. Consider a Wide-Mouth Container

Using a wide-mouth container for your coconut oil can make it easier to access and use when it has solidified. This way, even if the oil does harden, you can simply scoop out the desired amount without needing to melt the entire jar. Just be sure to use a clean utensil each time to avoid introducing bacteria or contaminants.

Preserving the Quality

cocnut oil Preserving the Quality

While keeping coconut oil liquid is important, it’s also essential to preserve its quality. Here are some tips to ensure your coconut oil remains fresh and potent:

  1. Store in a Cool, Dark Place: Exposure to light and heat can cause coconut oil to degrade over time. To maintain its quality, store your oil in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  2. Use an Airtight Container: Air exposure can lead to oxidation, which may decrease the quality of your coconut oil. Make sure to use an airtight container to keep your oil fresh and protected.
  3. Keep it Clean: Always use clean utensils when scooping out coconut oil to avoid introducing contaminants or bacteria. If possible, designate a specific utensil for coconut oil use only.
  4. Monitor Expiration Dates: Like any natural product, coconut oil has a shelf life. Be sure to check the expiration date on your oil and use it within the recommended time frame.

Closing Thoughts

Coconut oil is a versatile, nutrient-rich addition to your kitchen and beauty routine. While its tendency to solidify can be frustrating, these expert tips and tricks can help you maintain its liquid state without compromising quality. Whether you choose to store your coconut oil in a warm location, use a heating pad, blend it with other oils, or opt for fractionated type, you can enjoy the convenience of having liquid coconut oil at your fingertips.

Remember to preserve the quality of the oil by storing it properly and using clean utensils. With a little care and attention, you can keep your coconut oil liquid, fresh, and ready for all your culinary and beauty adventures.